Leap Towards Positivity

What is Positive Thinking?


We often see positivity quotes like, Radiate Positivity, Radiate Positive Vibes etc. But what is positivity in actual life?

Well, you need to know that it is approach towards the Good, a satisfactory emotion, More ethical part of life and it is aimed to get positive result. If a person is often talks about good health, happiness and he is assured that he will overcome every obstacle and difficulties in life, you can probably say that He is Radiating Positivity, but not everyone can accept this. Someone even think that this is rubbish and has no importance in life. Even though, people are really seeking towards positivity and you can see proofs about it. Popularity among positive books is growing these days. Still, before you start knowing the importance of positivity in life, it is not enough to be aware about it, but it is also necessary to implement positive attitude as a way of living.


How It Works For You?


In order to understand, how it works your lifestyle, it is needed to understand that it is the way how we predict or expect. For knowing better, If a person keeps thinking about failure in some idea, it is possible to encounter failure in reality, but table gets turned for a person who constantly thinks about success. This can be understood more efficiently by examples.

  • A person with lack of confidence appears for interview considering that other applicants are much more qualified than him. This means that, person's mind is filled up with negative thoughts, which negatively influences the interview. Interviewer couldn't find the person perfect for the job, because person's negative thoughts lead him to lose concentration. The negativity can influence the outcome, which in this case, it is getting rejected from interview.
  • A person who anticipates failure before actual implementation, it is more likely to meet failure. In this example, a team decides to add one more member to the team, in a company. Though previous team members were doing great, but for some reasons, they decide to do hire. They hire a person who has low-esteem. When they start finding ideas for company project, that person starts to predict failure of idea, even before completely listening. That lead to demotivation of team's morale and finally team loses its opportunity to increase company's growth.

Hence, from above examples, positivity is the key to achieve better lifestyle and opportunities.


Implementing Positivity as A Way of Life

The power of positive thinking is incredible and it assists peoples to experience only happiness and satisfaction, which cause positive impact on life. By implementing positive thinking in life, it boosts up one’s aspects forever. It makes you look bolder and helps to have more powerful voice as well as body language. Positive thinking is contagious. It helps others to feel satisfactory experiences by your body language, behaviour, thoughts etc. People actually prefer positive minded persons around them, instead of negative people. Also, they help positive persons without hesitation.


Five Benefits of Positive Thinking

·        Refined Focus – Positive thinking helps you to concentrate on finding a solution instead focusing on probable negative outcomes. Your creative and constructive thinking gets enhanced. Negative thinking makes insecure about solutions and major loss occurs to be on time. Time wastage comes along with less concentration.

·        Minimization of Stress – You Worry Less, You Stress Less. When a positive thinker is faced with a stressful situation, they apparently handle it with ease because of the same reason mentioned above, Redefined Focus. The power of positive thinking lowers the stress level, helps you to cope nicely and also increases life span.

·        Maintains Self-esteem – When you adopt positive thinking you lean to believe in yourself and your abilities as well. Positivity makes you comfortable in your own way of living and keeps increasing faith in your capacity. It drives you towards your goals, which you are keen to achieve.

·        Finer Fitness – The way you think has a direct influence on your body and its functions. Positive thinkers lean to have better health, better psychological and physical well-being. Negativity performs role in developing of anxiety, less concentration etc.

·        Success & Satisfaction – The power of positivity is unimaginably great and helps people experience only happy & pleasant feelings, which cause positive influence on their life.


Bring Positive Thinking in your Life

For bringing positivity in your life, you have to be prepared and ready to adopt the power of positivity. One thing, you need to understand is that it takes time to do it, as things never change over the night.

Indeed, there are some things that you can do, in order to bring positivity and its power to your life…

·        Medication – According to some studies, If medication is done on daily basis, it actually help you feel more positive feelings.

·        Reading & Writing - It is said that reading & writing about positive and good experiences helps giving a boost to your mind.

·        Enjoy every moment – You should have fun around your friends and family. Enjoyment helps you to relax and then you can see things differently.


Positivity is the weapon to fight against failures and to live a peaceful life…

One day, people will say behind you.. You Radiate Positivity.


  1. Very Nice Shantanu, u wrote very nicely, how positivity can change our life and for that what steps we need to follow . Very well done.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

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